Download Excel Shortcut Keys Pdf

Excel Shortcuts


Maximize or restore the workbook window. ALT+0 to select the folder list; arrow keys to select a folder. Select a folder in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu) ALT+ number (1 is the leftmost button, 2 is the next, and so on) Choose a toolbar button in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu) F5. Reference: Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2016. Navigate in cells: keyboard shortcuts. To do this Press. Move to the previous cell in a worksheet or the previous option in a dialog box. Shift+Tab Move one cell up in a worksheet. Up Arrow key Move one cell down in a worksheet. Shortcut Keys for Windows 10 This guide lists shortcut keys that you can use from the desktop in Windows 10. Shortcut Description Windows key Open and close the Start menu. Switch to the desktop and launch the nth application in the taskbar. For example, +1. Navigate & work with Excel Sheets using the Excel Shortcut keys PDF and cut down your working time. Also, Download the list of Excel Shortcut keys in PDF form. Download MS Excel Shortcut PDF File You can also download the complete Excel Shortcut Keys PDF for offline usage. This PDF file contains Excel Shortcuts listed below group by shortcuts keys with Funciton Key, Conrol Key, Shift Key and miscellaneous.

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Excel Shortcut Keys Pdf 2019 Download

In various competitive exams such as IBPS, SBI, UPSC and SSC few questions are asked based on MS Excel Shortcut Keys. This PDF file will not only help you in answering such questions in exams but will also be useful on day to day basis in your job.

Excel ShotcutsAction
ALT+SHIFT+F1Insert new worksheet
F2Edit the selected cell
F5Go to a specific cell
F11Create Chart
CTRL+1Bring up Format Cells Dialog box
CTRL+ASelect All
CTRL+HFind and Replace
CTRL+NCreate New Excel Document
CTRL+PBring up Print Dialog box
CTRL+YRepeat last action/Redo
CTRL+SHIFT+FOpens Fonts Preference Window
CTRL+F9Minimise current workbook
CTRL+F10Maximum current workbook
CTRL+F6Switch between open Excel documents
CTRL+SpaceSelect entire column
CTRL+HomeGo to the beginning of Word Document
CTRL+EndGo to the end of the Word Document
SHIFT+SpaceSelect entire row
SHIFT+F3Open Formula Window

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Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf Download

GK Babaji